After traveling 26 hours back in time I am home back in the U.S.A, and am going through culture shock all over again. It was very difficult saying goodbye to Ghana, as well as all of my friends. We boarded our plane after standing in a line for 3 hours, watching a fist fight between husband and wife, been frisked like you would not believe (people would be thrown in jail in the U.S, if they ever touched someone like that haha), and then witnessed a verbal cat fight between two women on the airplane. To say the least it was a series of great events before the plane actually took off for out 12 hour flight. I was so exhausted and fell asleep before our airplane even took off to NYC…. I woke up with 2 hours left to go. We arrived to the NYC and all embraced the fact that we were back in America, but trying to understand why nobody was running up to us and asking for pictures or waving. We hopped back on the plane and headed to the good old Utah to see our families that were so anxiously waiting for us.
It was so great seeing my mom and sister waiting at the airport for me with open arms for big hugs, which were well overdue. We loaded into the car and headed strait for a LARGE diet coke, may I add with ice. What do you know I come home to house that is so clean, cool, and smells wonderful. I walk up to my room and my mom has decorated it while I was gone. She said she was cleaning it the night before I came home and felt like it needed some help. Well help she gave it because it is so cozy and welcoming. It even has little accents of Africa. Talk about culture shock I was planning on coming home and sleeping in my cocoon in 100 degree weather. How lucky am I to have a family that loves and cares so much for me.
My mom and sister had prepared café rio salads for dinner. All I wanted was lettuce since I was not allowed to have any there. After being waited on hand and foot for dinner I went and took the most amazing shower yet… I could not even believe it. Hot water, that had more than a trickle, or that was not from a bucket, was this real? As soon as I finished showering my family started to show up. My cute mom and sister had a little African themed party. Everything was just so perfect.
Unfortunately you know what comes home with you when you traveling….. REALITY! Time to figure out the bank account, school, clothes since many of mine were given away) and the list could go on and on…………
As hard as our reality can be I am forever grateful that it is my reality and Africa is not. I am so blessed to live in a land that has so much freedom and hope for the people. I am so blessed to have a family that loves and cares about me more than I will ever understand. I am Grateful for what is in my bank account although there may not be much, my education, friends, clean environment, paved roads, clean water, and the list could go on. I believe it will not take too long at all before I am back in the swing of everything here in the US, but do know that the African people will always hold a special place in my heart.
I have been missing Africa terribly since I have been home and today it has by far been the worst. I look at pictures of the little kids that need and desire so much, and I feel so overwhelmed not being able to help. I am staying in contact with some of the people in hope to help as much as I can from the U.S. I will never forget the peopleA village we visited outside of Mole.
Bay...I just basically read all your blog posts that I hadn't read before. They are all awesome and not ridiculously long like mine ha ha. Oh how I miss Africa and how I miss you! Seriously, I am sad. I am finally coming home tomorrow and we will have to get together asap! I love you Bailey Melissa White :)