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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Yesterday and Today in Africa

July 10th

Today so far we have just gone to church. It was quite the adventure trying to find the church but we finally made it. We caught our taxi outside of our hostel and drove around for at least 30 min trying to find the LDS church. We stopped so many times and asked people on the side of the road if they could direct us to the LDS church nobody was able to.

  • This is what happened in my taxi today as we tried to find the church
    • Reversed down a busy street dodging people and oncoming traffic.
    • Seriously almost hit a goat, on purpose( at least it could have been our dinner tonight). Our driver got maybe a centimeter away from it…. Not kidding
    • Almost go into an accident.

Anyway, we made it to the church just in time for the sacrament. Church was great and amazing. I love how no matter where you go in the world it is always the same . The people of Ghana are so welcoming. They have some of the most beautiful clothing, I think I am going to start to wear and bring a new trend to the Us. Also, these kids over here are absolutely to die for. I have only been here for not even a day and I am in love! I am doing great and will continue to try to keep you posted as much as I can. Starting Monday our time is going to get even more limited.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you guys finally made it! And I am so glad you have a blog so I can keep myself updated on your adventures. I love you and be safe!
