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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Great but crazy busy day! Sorry about the pictures!

Ok well the pictures are not downloading, our internet is not very good at all! I will make sure hopefully to get some pictures/ movies to you tomorrow. I have to go and work on my lesson plans tomorrow and finish some home work! I am running out of time to blog like I said I was going, but still find it important to do for those that are interested. Today we changed our classes and split our time between the kids. The reason why we did this is because not all of the kids had teachers and we want to make it fair. So I am now teaching the third grade with Cameron as well as the little preschoolers. The third graders are very difficult, or were today. The preschoolers are just adorable. They sing and march and dance.( I will post a video.) After a long exhausting couple of hours at the school we went back to the hostel grabbed some lunch and jetted off to Manya Krobo. This a village that is about 2 and a half to three hours away from Accra where I am. So total travel time was about six hours. The drive there and that village was the very most poverty I have seen yet. It was just another realization of how lucky I am, and how I want to continue to help others. The reason Why we were heading to Manya Krobo was to teach and conduct research in an all women’s college. This college is for cooking and sewing. We started by taking the girls one by one and asking them survey questions on HIV/ Awareness and prevention as well as there personal sexual activity. After this we then began to teach them lessons on HIV/ AIDS. My partner Mindy and I taught about the 3 ways you can contract HIV. We will be going back tomorrow to Manya Krobo to continue our HIV education as well as finishing up some research. We will also be teaching on Anemia and conducting more research. When we get back to US my professor will be gathering this information and writing research articles. For my other half of my internship I hope to be helping her with these articles.

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