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Monday, July 25, 2011

Things are starting to wrap up here in Africa and I don't like it

We started our day by a little shopping at the market Tetche Quatcha. This place is so overwhelming to shop. Many of the little stores have very similar items if not the exact same but without marked prices. All of the venders want to sell you the same thing but for a “better price.” For example you may want a wooden elephant in one store for 30 CD’s and think that is a great deal, and then you may walk to the next store and get it for 10 CD’s. I explained to one of the venders how shopping here is so stressful and gives me anxiety. Last time I went to the market, if I did not want something from their shop I told them I would be back. Today when I went back they all remembered my name and the exact items I liked in their shop.

Following the market we all jumped onto the bus for one last time to Manya Krobo. The drive is 4-5 hours round trip so it gets pretty exhausting going out there 3 or more times a week. I was really sad though today to know that this would be our last time to Manya Krobo, and that I will never return their again. Today was one of the my favorite groups we have taught yet. It was an all mens college and they were very energetic and excited to learn. As I looked around more and more random children, adults, and venders began to show up and listen to our presentation. I guess you could say that I was a little disrespectful when I started paying more attention to the kids behind me than my own classmates. There was a group of about 5 girls that could not stop playing with my hair and wanting to talk to me. I gave them some bracelets that I had in my backpack and they loved them. At the end of educating this group all of men wanted to know 3 questions about us.

1) What we are studying in school?

2) What our relationship status is?

3) What we liked to do for fun?

I answered:

1) Health

2) Single

3) Play football (soccer)

All of them went crazy when I answered single and football. After we finished teaching I had a bunch of them all swarm around me wanting my email address. I had people fighting over the paper that I gave to the one guy with my email on it. As we drove out of Manya Krobo for the last time I was sad, but also so grateful for the experiences that have been created in that city of Africa. The people of Africa have taught me so much that I will forever cherish. My time is becoming shorter and shorter here and things are slowly coming to an end.

The kids and I with the bracelets i handed out.
Showing off their bracelets.
Me being disrespectful, not paying attention to my classmates. How can you resist these faces?
Handing out the bracelets
Random people gathering around to hear what the Americans have to say.
The mens college
My 5 little girl friends!

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