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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Educating many individuals in Ghana!

Ok so I have 15% left of battery on my computer and it is super late, so this will be a quick post. Today was a very exhausting day. We left The Pink Hostel at 7:45 this morning and traveled to Kpong to finish up our teaching and research on HIV awareness/prevention to the Secondary school ( high school). After teaching them we went to the womens college and finished teaching and conducting research on Anemia. Anemia is very prevalent among women here in Ghana. After teaching them one of the girls handed out hair clips she made while the other handed out jewelry she brought. IT was very fun. I became good friends with a girl named Elizabeth. Right before I was about to leave, she came running up to me with a bracelet she had made for me. Like I have said before Ghanaians are such loving giving people! Following Kpong and Manya Krobo we went Spintex and taught an all womens Presbyterian group. We taught these women on a variety of subjects such as, pregnancy, breast feeding, womens rights, self-esteem, menstruation, exercise, menopause and this list goes on…… we finally arrived home at 9:00pm. I am now home getting ready to set out again tomorrow to the Ga Tribe to teach them about HIV Awareness and Prevention. We will get done with them around 12:00pm and then head to Gray Memorial to teach school. Right after school we are going out to celebrate a friends birthday by going to the nicest restaurant in Ghana and to Harry Potter.

first stop: Secondary School ( Kpong)
Second Stop: Women's College, flowers Shantel made for their hair. Elizabeth on the left
The cute bracelet Elizabeth made me. I love her! It was sad to say goodbye......
Third Stop: Iren and I, She is one of the Presbyterian women that we coordinate with.
All of the Presbyterian women
The most adorable baby at the church! I don't think she blinked the whole night!

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