Our A.C is still out and man is it hot! Thank the heavens for my bunkmate Hilary who has a little portable fan with a carbineer that I was able to hook to a wooden plank above me in bed. Today we woke up early ate some breakfast that consisted of a boiled egg that had a white yoke and a piece of bread with jam. I had to rush out of the kitchen so fast because I though I was going to Ralph…. But thank goodness I didn’t.
We left at 7:45 to teach our class at Gray Memorial School. The children are segregated according to their uniforms. The kids who are in the orange and brown uniforms are only there, because the government is able to help them. The other children in the yellow and blue are the ones whose families are able to afford their education. I will be teaching the children in the orange and brown uniforms.
Lynley my professor informed us that they kids would be excited. I would have to say that was a bit of an understatement…I felt as if I was walking into a monkey village today! The kids act like we are famous or something. They feel special when you wave and touch their hands.
Cameron and I are team teachers, we will be teaching 6-11 year olds.(60 of them)!!!!!!! Boy do we have our hands full! Today we observed the teachers way of teaching and discipline, tomorrow we will start. They have a different way of punishing their students which is through caning. It was very difficult for me to watch the children be treated this way. I just have to remember that it will be different when I begin teaching for the next 4 weeks. Haha.
Today in about 30 minutes we will be having class. We will also be preparing for our HIV/AIDS awareness/ prevention program. Later tonight Cameron and I will have to sit down and reorganize all of our lessons plans. We thought we were going to have older and fewer kids, but that is not the case. I am already beyond excited to teach these children. They are all so beautiful and loving. I wish you all could be on this amazing journey with me!
Look at those beautiful faces! I joked with Kenzie that maybe the egg was a reptile egg.
ReplyDeleteThey are all so darling! Maybe you can teach them some of your famous dance moves. I miss you so much and it has only been a matter of days!!