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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Good dinner!

Today we first went to teach the Ga tribe womens vocational school. This is a secondary school( high school). These girls were very enthusiastic and welcoming to us. Today did pretest for both anemia and HIV, but only taught on Anemia. We will be going back next week to finish teaching them HIV awareness/ prevention as well as post testing. The girls wanted to do my hair but we did not have time. Since they could not do my hair they taught me how to one of the other girls hair.

Following the teaching the Ga tribe we went to teach our usual classes at Gray Memorial. Today we taught our third graders about taste buds. This was such a funny lesson. We gave them sour gum that eventually turned sweet. I do not think any of the have ever tasted something like this. All of their faces were priceless. I wish I would have had my camera to capture some of their faces. None of them said a word. Some held their cheeks a clenched their eyes, others tried to lick the sour off, and a few put it in their mouths and spit it out everywhere. It was a really fun class today. We then played some games that they taught us. We then went and blew bubbles with the preschoolers and played games with them It was a fun day!

Tonight we went and celebrated Mindy’s birthday. We went to the nicest restaurant in Accra, called Rhapsody. After dinner we went to Harry Potter. Tonight was the first cab ride that we took that had Air Conditioning.

The sign in the bathroom stall
My dinner! Yum!
Ashlee and I getting ready for a good dinner!
Learning how to braid one of the girls hair, at the women vocational Ga tribe
Mavis and I ( Ga tribe)

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I want to comment on EVERY SINGLE ONE of your blog posts. Second, your dinner looks far more advanced and delicious than mine was.. ha and third, I gave the students some candy and all of their faces were hilarious! I can see it now!
