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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pictures from the past 3 of days

Well here is a quick update on the past 3 days. I am sorry it is not in more detail! We leave for and excursion early tomorrow morning to the Coco Beach Resort! I will keep you all posted.
I played soccer today a little too hard with the boys. Yes, I played bare foot and scrapped and cut my toes open. My professor told me I needed to go home and scrub my feet so I did not get parasites. Hilary helped get me all cleaned up. The soccer game was so worth it, I did not even care about my feet!
I already know when I leave I am going to have serious issues leaving my little boy Ezekial!! He follows me everywhere!
This is from our glitter germ lesson today. The glitter represents germs, and was meant for their hands. These kids like to look pretty and put it all over their bodies. At least I was able to show them how easily bacteria can spread.... right?
The can't keep their hands off of me!
getting boxes of H2O!
This group comes and plays on Thursday nights at our hostel. We jamed out and danced tonight!
The womens college I taught HIV/ Awareness and prevention to.
Money exchange... not the best exchange rate today!
Ok is this not just adorable. Again, in Manya Krobo.
Teaching the womens college again on HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention
One of the girls I taught and conducted research on at the womens college.
One of the people we became friends with in Manya Krobo
Some of my kids
my new head addition and backpack
Ashlee and I eating a pizza called Arabian Night. We wanted to go outside of the box!
People stare and pose for pictures wherever you go, even in the bus!


  1. THIS BRINGS BACK SO MANY MEMORIES. Looks like you are having a wonderful time!

  2. Sierra! It is so amazing here! I am going to have the hardest time leaving!!! I wish you could come back!

  3. I'm sure you have no idea how much you are touching the lives of those sweet people. Your warmth and gratitude is amazing! I totally want one of those head scarf things, and I want a bag like your backpack! Keep up the good work and attitude, you're the best! Love to you! Melissa
